First Mashed News – iPhone 5 Screen Size!


Ever wonder what screen size the iPhone5 would sport?

Well, There were rumors all around that the next iPhone would certainly rock a screen greater than 4 inches in size! And we also feel that it is time for the iPhone to really have a bigger screen. But what does the Cupertino think?

” 9to5Mac” claims that Apple is testing two iPhones featuring a 3.95 inch display. PhoneArena, PhoneDog, TechnoBuffalo is seen citing the same fact.

But the TechRadar says that the iPhone 5 would rather sport a greater than 4″ screen and the article mainly told us that Sony has also joined the bandwagon of iPhone display production.

Another fact is that, PhoneArena and PhoneDog supported 9to5Mac’s claim of the 3.95″ display to have a  resolution of 640×1136 pixels. But the TechnoBuffalo claims that the display rocks a 1336 x 640-pixel resolution instead and weirdly quoting the same source!

So what we can finally tell you is that the new iPhone 5 might have a 3.95″ display with a 1136 x 640-pixel resolution as apple seems to fit it in a 16:9 aspect ratio and hence the extra pixels from a HD screen. This is rather disappointing for Apple fans as smartphones have really grown larger in size lately and a 3.95″ iPhone is a step back in competition!